Outback Web Technologies LLC  


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Dynamic Applications

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[ 02-09-12 ] - Intoducing the new embedded database that allows you to Xcopy a single DLL for both 32 and 64 bit runtime support. Want ClickOnce deployment for your .Net application? The database requires zero config on the client. No more worries about COM deployment for the database engine! Even our database files are built for ease of deployment - a single database file with no external logs or complex permissions.

[ 02.07.2012 ] - Web Search Engines
With the search engines acting as today’s version of the Yellow Pages, your online presence and exposure is critical to maintaining a competitive advantage. For many businesses and industries, their website is their single most important marketing tool.

 Creative Approach  
Our success is drawn from our unique approach to building custom applications, our e-commerce capabilities and a full service approach.

Whether you are building a complete brand from scratch or improving an existing design, OWT is the interactive company you want on your side. The mixture of our highly talented, experienced, and driven individuals would compliment your team and help you get your ideas off the ground and built in record time. At OWT, we make sure that your goals are met and the results exceed your expectations. What can we do for you?

Customer Satisfaction
Our applications are designed using the latest development tools to create  applications that will meet all your expectations
In creating new web sites you must  use innovative concepts and designs to create that unique image and branding for our clients
Custom Applications
We put ourselves in our customers’ shoes from the first blush to the final product. That allows us to design and develop custom web solutions that integrate with professional hosting, SEO and marketing campaigns that delivers the desired results from day one.
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